Anatomy & Physiology Book For Pharmacy Technician Part 1st

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Anatomy & Physiology Book For Pharmacy Technician Part 1st Complete 2022



You are about to begin the study of one of nature's most wondrous structures — the human body. Anatomy (ah-NAT-o-me) and Physiology (fiz-ee-OL-o-jee) are branches of biology that are concerned with the form and functions of the body.

Anatomy: is the study of body structure,

Physiology: deals with body function,

that is, how the body parts work to support life. As you learn about the complex interdependence of Structure and function in the human body, you will become, in a very real sense, the subject of your own study.


Anatomy is often defined as the study of the structure of an organism and the relationships of its parts. The word anatomy is derived from two Greek words (ana "up," and temos or tomos, “cutting"). Students of anatomy still learn about the structure of the human body by literally cutting it apart. This process, called dissection, remains a principal technique used to isolate and study the structural components or parts of the human body.

Biology is defined as the study of life. Both anatomy and physiology are subdivisions of this very broad area of inquiry. Just as biology can be subdivided into specific areas for study, so can anatomy and physiology. For example, the term gross anatomy is used to describe the study of body parts visible to the naked eye. Before the discovery of the microscope, anatomists  had to study human structure using only the eye during dissection. These early anatomists could make only a gross or whole, examination. With the use of modern microscopes, many anatomists now specialize in microscopic anatomy, including the study of cells, called cytology (sye-TOL-o-jee), and tissues, called Histology (his-TOL-o-jee). Other branches of anatomy include the study of human growth and development (developmental anatomy) or the study of diseased body structures ( pathologicalanatomy).

Definition of Anatomy:

It is a branch of medical science which deals with the study of structure of plant andanimal.

Definition Of Human Anatomy:

It is branch of medical science which deals with the study of structure of different organs and body parts of human.


1.  Gross anatomy/ Macroscopic:

It is branch of anatomy which deals with the study of structure of human body parts by naked eye.( mean that without any microscope or lenses.)


2. Histology:

It is a branch of anatomy which deals with the study of structure of tissues