Paper A


1.      How many structures are a bacteria contain___________?

i.                    10                          ii. 12                            iii. 13                           iv. 14

2.      How many basic form of bacteria ___________________?

i.                    3                            ii. 4                              iii. 5                             iv. 6

3.      How many commonly methods are used for bacterial culture__________?

i.                    2                            ii. 3                              iii. 4                             iv. 5

4.      How many shapes of virus_____________ ?

i.                    2                            ii. 3                              iii. 4                             iv. 5

5.      Genome and Capsid are the structural part of the____________?

i.                    Fungi                     ii. Bacteria                   iii. Virus                      iv. Parasite 

6.      In virus spike is also form of _____________?

i.                    Genome                 ii. Capsid                     iii. Capsule                  iv. Envelope

7.      Baker yeast such as pizza and dumpling are formed by___________?

i.                    Bacteria                 ii. Enzyme                   iii. Fungi                      iv. Virus

8.      Traditional Chinese medicine are prepare mostly with the help of __________?

i.                    Bacteria                 ii. Enzyme                   iii. Fungi                      iv. Virus

9.      Yeast cells are larger than the __________________?

i.                    Bacteria                 ii. Parasites                  iii. Fungi                      iv. Virus

10.  What is the shape of the yeast ___________?

i.                    Ball shape              ii. Egg shape                iii. Rod shape              iv. Coma shape

11.  What is the size of yeast ____________micro meter?

i.                    3-4                         ii. 5-6                           iii. 4-5                          iv. 2-3

12.  Which of the following is used for generate electricity and ethanol________?

i.                    Bacteria                 ii. Yeast                       iii. Fungi                      iv. Virus

13.  Mold is _____________ fungi?

i.                    Unicellular             ii. Multicellular            iii. Both                       iv. None

14.  Mold release million of spore in _____________?

i.                    Insect-borne          ii. Air                           iii. Water                     iv. All

15.  Hyphae are the Multicellular filaments of the _________?

i.                    Bacteria                 ii. Mold                       iii. Fungi                      iv. Virus

16.  How many major types of water _____________?

i.                    2                            ii. 3                              iii. 4                             iv. 5

17.  Water of lakes, river and ocean are called ____________ water?

i.                    Ground                  ii. Surface                    iii. Atmosphare            iv. All

18.  Water of snow, hail and rain are called __________ water?

i.                    Ground                  ii. Surface                    iii. Atmosphare            iv. All

19.  The region of earth crust, where geology and biology meats called_____?

i.                    Canals                   ii. River                       iii. Soil                         iv. Water

20.  How many major constituents of soil ______________?

i.                    3                            ii. 4                              iii. 5                             iv. 6

21.  The region where the soil and roots make contact called ___________?

i.                    Rhizosphere          ii. Shrubs                     iii. Herbs                      iv. None

22.  Hot air oven consists of metallic chamber of ___________?

i.                    Aluminum             ii. Iron                                     iii. Silver                      iv. Graphite

23.  ___________ apparatus is used for sterilization by steam under pressure?

i.                    Hot air oven          ii. Cold air oven          iii. Thermos                 iv. Autoclave

24.  Saturated steam is allowed in autoclave for __________ mints at 12-C?

i.                    20                          ii. 30                            iii. 40                           iv. 50

25.  Simple boiling water is used to reduce activity of bacteria in_____________ process?

i.                    Decoction              ii. Autoclave                iii. Tyndalliztion          iv. None

26.  Sterilization by radiation is also known as ____________ sterilization?

i.                    Hot                        ii. Cold                        iii. Rays                       iv. Magnetic

27.  How many method are used for sterilize by use radiation?

i.                    2                            ii. 3                              iii. 4                             iv. 5

28.  How many classification of lipids __________?

i.                    2                            ii. 3                              iii. 4                             iv. 5

29.  ___________ exert an insulating effect on nervous tissue?

i.                    Lipids                    ii. Protein                     iii. Carbohydrate         iv. Vitamins                


30.  ____ is the integral part of cell protoplasm and cell membrane?

i.                    Lipids                    ii. Protein                     iii. Carbohydrates        iv. Vitamins

31.  Pepsin and Trypsin are the example of _____________ enzyme?

i.                    Hydrolases            ii. Ligase                      iii. Lyases                    iv. Transferase

32.  There are __________ main classes of enzyme?

i.                    4                            ii.5                               iii. 6                             iv. 7

33.  Carbohydrates and protein are broken by ____________ enzyme?

i.                    Protease                 ii. Lyases                     iii. Hydrolyze              iv. Isomerase

34.  ‘Lock and key’ modal used in ____________ ?

i.                    Protein                   ii. Hormone                 iii. Enzyme                  iv. Detergents

35.  Man eats both plant and animals is called__________ ?

i.                    Carnivore              ii. Herbivore                iii. Hydrovore              iv. Omnivore

36.  Pepsin enzymes digest the ________?

i.                    Vitamins                ii. Lipids                      iii. Protein                    iv. CHO

37.  Blood sugar level is controlled by ________?

i.                    Estrogen                ii. Billirubin                 iii. Insulin                    iv. Progesterone

38.  Polio is caused by ____________?

i.                    Parasites                ii. Bacteria                   iii. Virus                      iv. Fungi

39.  Tears are produced by ___________ glands?

i.                    Parathyroid           ii. Lachrymal               iii. Thyroid                  iv. Prostate

40.  A pt. is put to dialysis, when he/she suffers from _____________ aliment.

i.                    Heart                     ii. Kidney                    iii. Liver                       iv. Stomach

41.  The largest organ of the human body is ___________?

i.                    Stomach                ii. Hair                         iii. Liver                       iv. Skin

42.  Leprosy is caused by _______________?

i.                    Bacteria                 ii. Virus                       iii. Fungi                      iv. Algae

43.  Deficiency of calcium leads to ___________ ?

i.                    Peptic ulcer           ii. Rickets                    iii. Night blindness      iv. Arthritis

44.  Deficiency of vit. A leads to ___________ ?

i.                    Peptic ulcer           ii. Rickets                    iii. Night blindness      iv. Arthritis


45.  Hair, nails and hoofs are all make of ____________?

i.                    Phosphate              ii. Calcium                   iii. Protein                    iv. Vitamins 

46.  Cheese contains vitamin ____________?

i.                    K                           ii. D                             iii. E                             iv. A

47.  Vitamin capable of formation of blood is __________?

i.                    B6                         ii. D                             iii. B12                        iv. K

48.  Major component of honey is_______________?

i.                    Fructose                ii. Cellulose                 iii. Glucose                  iv. Maltose

49.  Digestion of fats in the intestine is aided by ______________?

i.                    Autocavilation      ii.Catabolism               iii. Sterilization            iv. Emulsification

50.  Vitamin ____________ is also called skin food.

i.                    C                           ii. D                             iii. E                             iv. K

51.  Father of biology is _____________?

i.                    Louis Pasteur        ii. Salk                         iii. Aristole                  iv. Bernard

52.  Human heart transplant by ____________?

i.                    Louis Pasteur        ii. Salk                         iii. Aristotle                 iv. Bernard     

53.  Vaccine of polio discovered by ____________?

i.                    Louis Pasteur        ii. Salk                         iii. Aristotle                 iv. Bernard  

54.  Vaccine of rabies discovered by ________________?

i.                    Louis Pasteur        ii. Salk                         iii. Aristotle                 iv. Bernard  

55.  Aids and measles are caused by ___________?

i.                    Virus                     ii. Bacteria                   iii. Fungi                      iv. Parasites

56.  Tuberculosis, whooping couth and dipheria caused by ______________?

i.                    Virus                     ii. Bacteria                   iii. Fungi                      iv. Parasites

57.  In making butter cheese yogurt we used ____________ ?

i.                    Virus                     ii. Bacteria                   iii. Fungi                      iv. Plasmodium

58.  Lack of vitamin ___________ caused beriberi disease?

i.                    C                           ii. Thiamine                 iii. E                             iv. K

59.  Enzyme that digest the carbohydrate called__________ ?

i.                    Lipase                    ii. Amylase                  iii. Ligase                     iv. Isomerase


60.  Bile secteted by _________________?

i.                    Liver                      ii. Stomach                  iii. Spleen                    iv. Heart

61.  Lemon contains the ___________ vitamin?

i.                    A                           ii. C                             iii. D                            iv. K

62.  A universal donor has blood group____________?

i.                    A                           ii. AB                          iii. O                            iv. B

63.  Human organ ____________ affected by malaria?

i.                    Liver                      ii. Spleen                     iii. Pancreases              iv. Gallbladder

64.  Food is stored as reserve fuel in _____________?

i.                    Liver                      ii. Gall bladder            iii. Spleen                    iv. Pancreases

65.  The word ___________ means water producer?

i.                    Oxygen                 ii. Hydrogen                iii. Nitrogen                 iv. Chlorine 

66.  Deficiency of iron can caused ____________ ?

i.                    Armenia                ii. Jaundice                  iii. Hepatitis                 iv. Leukemia

67.  Human eye images formed at_______________?

i.                    Lens                      ii. Retina                      iii. Iris                          iv. Conjunctiva

68.  Milk contains ___________ ?

i.                    Maltose                 ii. Lactose                    iii. Glucose                  iv. Fructose





1.      i

2.      i

3.      ii

4.      ii

5.      iii

6.      iv

7.      iii

8.      iii

9.      i

10.  ii

11.  i

12.  ii

13.  ii

14.  iv

15.  ii

16.  ii

17.  ii

18.  iii

19.  iii

20.  iii

21.  i

22.  i

23.  iv

24.  i

25.  iii

26.  ii

27.  iii

28.  ii

29.  i

30.  i

31.  i

32.  iii

33.  i

34.  iii

35.  iv

36.  iii

37.  iii

38.  iii

39.  ii

40.  ii

41.  iv

42.  i

43.  ii

44.  iii

45.  iii

46.  iii

47.  iii

48.  i

49.  ii

50.  ii

51.  i

52.  ii

53.  ii

54.  ii

55.  i

56.  ii

57.  ii

58.  ii

59.  ii

60.  i

61.  ii

62.  iii

63.  ii

64.  i

65.  ii

66.  i

67.  ii

68.  ii